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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spring DryJect

The DryJect process is 21st century aerification at it's finest and leaves virtually no trace behind on the playing surface. This is the first season we have used the DryJect technology on our greens and we are very excited about the results this will make throughout the golfing season for us. We plan to use this form of aerification in the spring each season to minimize the disruption to the playing surface, that conventional core aerification typically leaves behind.

The DryJect machines inject kiln dried sand into the greens to a depth of 5-6" on 2X3" spacing with very little disruption. Our target was 1 ton of Sand/Green and we actually did better than that, using 23 tons total on all 19 greens. That's pretty impressive to think about! 

In the above picture you can see the fresh sand channels that have been injected into the profile of the green, providing many benefits for the overall health of the green and playing conditions. This process leaves behind a very small hole on the surface and a large deposit of sand beneath, deluting organic matter, along with promoting more healthy vigorous root systems and providing better water infiltration.

Short Video Showing the DryJect Machine In Operation.

The Crew Getting a Lesson On How the Machines Operate

Sand Delivery

Preparing To Fire Up the First Machine and Observe Operation.

Check out this link for more information on the DryJect technology. www.dryject.com/howitworks

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