Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Greens Needle Tine Aeration

Today we needle tined the greens and gave the root zones a breath of fresh air. The main objectives with this form of cultivation are, gas exchange, relieving compaction, and providing a fresh environment for the turfgrass root systems to flourish in. Improving the ability for the root zone to breathe will not only encourage a deeper, more sustainable root system, but also enhance microbial activity to aid in the natural decomposition of organic matter and thatch.

 The Toro Pro Core 648 is outfitted with quad tine heads and two different sized tines (1/4" & 3/8" solid tines) placed in an every other pattern on the tine heads. By using two different sized tines, we are able to work more sand into the larger holes while keeping the disruption to the putting surface to a minimum. The larger holes seal off slower but also provide more positive pore space below the surface for oxygen and roots to reside.

Holes are opened up to a depth of 4+ inches on a tight 1.5" X 2" spacing. Topdressing sand is applied prior to punching holes, allowing the aerifier to work sand into the open holes during operation. The remaining sand is blown into the holes with backpack blowers to minimize traffic and bruising from a drag brush or coco mat.

The above picture shows the surface of the green after punching, before the sand has been blown into the open holes and the finished product after rolling. This monthly routine venting process provides excellent results and improves the health of the greens dramatically throughout the stressful summer months.

Short Video Showing the Machine In Action

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