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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Greens Brushing & Topdressing

This morning we took advantage of the beautiful weather before the outing, to double cut the greens with brushes in opposing directions and applied a light topping of sand. The greens are double cut daily here at GLCC and we typically mow with brushes down a minimum of three days each week throughout the summer golfing season, as part of our normal greens maintenance program.

Brushing is a non aggressive means of grooming the surface of the greens during the heat of the summer, eliminating grain and tightening the putting surface with minimal injury inflicted on the plants, when more aggressive cultivation is not recommended. This operation can be thought of much like combing out your hair before it's cut to length each time.

After the greens were mowed and brushed in two different directions this morning, we applied their light weekly sand topping. Topdressing helps to dilute thatch and organic matter, while smoothing the putting surface for fantastic ball roll distance and increasing the greens ability to accept a shot. 

The finished product today on greens looks outstanding, leaving the turfgrass plants happy and healthy! After a double cut in the morning and a dry roll in the early afternoon tomorrow, the greens will be rolling well for league and the week ahead.

The crew did a fantastic job today, mowing the entire course and completing many detail jobs before the outing started. Well done Team!!! 

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