Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tee Project - Week 1 Update

With a very productive first week of construction in the books, things are really starting to take shape on the first 10 tee boxes of the tee renovation project. The weather has created several challenges already, haulting work on two days and delaying work on two others with heavy rainfall and wet conditions. The construction crew is doing a fantastic job and making huge progress, working sun up to sun down 7 days a week and leaving behind very minimal disruption to the golf course.

#7 Forward Tee

#12 Forward Tee (New)

#14 Back Tee

#9 Back, Middle, Senior (New), Forward Tees
#11 Forward Tee

Construction Equipment Arrives On Site

Tree Removal At #9 Back & Middle Tees

Tree Removal At #18 Back & Middle Tees

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