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Monday, April 28, 2014

Deep Tine Aerification

Punching #8 Green
Today we deep tine aerified the greens and gave them a breath of fresh air. This aerification process is performed annually in the early Spring to prepare the greens and turfgrass root systems for a long stressful summer of abuse and putting action. This operation is sometimes referred to as "venting".

Deep Tine Equipment In Action
The major goal of deep-tine aerification is to loosen soils and create aeration channels to a depth well below that of conventional core aerification. Deep-tine aerification may provide the opportunity to relieve compaction that can occur in the soil just below the depth of routine core aerification. In the farming industry this is often known as a plow pan and is created at the base depth that the plow cultivates to. This hard pan area can result in restricting the downward movement of water and preventing the soil from breathing properly. It is also used to relieve rootzone of toxic gases, improve air space, along with improving water and nutrient movement throughout soil profile. 

Showing the Depth Of Tine Holes
The deep tine aerification equipment reaches down to a depth of about 8-12" with a 1/2" solid tine. When the tines enter the soil at the bottom of the stroke there is a slight 5 degree "kick", shattering soil and relieving any compaction issues that may be present.

Short Video Clip Showing the Machine In Action

Rolling Green To Smooth Surface
The greens surface is rolled out smooth and prepared for sand topdressing to be applied. Although the deep tine process does leave some disruption to the surface for the next few days, it will greatly improve green consistency and firmness through out the entire golfing season.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Tree Work

Removing Damaged Maple Tree Between 1 Tee & 18 Green
This past winter was one for the records and it sure did leave behind a trail of destruction. Most of the damage occurred back in late December when we had a large ice storm just before the Christmas holiday, knocking out power to much of the area for several days. This huge storm left up to a 1/2 inch of ice coating everything in sight, damaging several trees on the property and uprooting others all together. We had planned on doing our cleanup and tree work during the winter once the ground was frozen, but Mother Nature had other plans for us. Record snowfall this winter covered most all of the debris, preventing us from even accessing the course with equipment and even presented challenges at times to groom the cross country ski trail with a snowmobile. 

Removing Damaged Pine & Trimming Elm Tree
Once the snow melted a month ago, we started the large cleanup process. Our grounds team here at the club has done a wonderful job on the cleanup of the property so far this spring. We had West Michigan Tree Service come out to remove a couple large, severely damaged trees and trim several other trees with a bucket truck that we couldn't reach.

Chipping Brush Pile
The brush pile that had developed from all the storm cleanup was epic! The tree company chipped the whole pile into 10 dump truck loads of material that was hauled to our dump site.

Severely Damaged Maple Tree
The spring cleanup is nearing completion, the club grounds are beginning to look beautiful once again with each day of sunshine that passes and after each load of brush is hauled away. The brutal winter of 2013/2014 has left a noticeable mark on the landscape and has scarred some trees for life.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

First Verticut & Sand Topdressing

Verticutting the Greens In Two Directions
Today we double verticut the greens and spread a light sand topdressing for the first time this season. Vertical mowing of the greens is performed on a biweekly basis throughout the season as Mother Nature allows. The greens are topdressed weekly with a light coating of sand to smooth the playing surface and continue to dilute organic matter in the greens surface. Both of these cultural practices along with many others, play a intricate roll in our greens management program here at the club.

Green Surface After Light Two Direction Verticut
Verticutting utilizes a mechanical device with vertically rotating blades that cut into the turf surface to remove excess thatch or leaves, depending upon how deep the blades are set. Verticutting can have a positive influence on putting green firmness, as well as trueness and ball roll distance.

Mowing the Greens After Verticut
After verticutting, the green is mowed to tighten up the surface. This catches any leaf material that's sticking straight up and combed out from the verticutters.  

Light Sand Topdressing Being Applied
Sand is applied at the precise amount to match the growth of the turfgrass plants and smooth the putting green surface weekly throughout the growing season. Topdressing has many benefits for the golfer and the superintendent  including, firming/smoothing the surface, modifying the soil structure in the top layer, thatch dilution, and ball mark recovery.  

Blowing Sand Into Green Surface
The sand topdressing is then blown into the verticut grooves and into the canopy of the turfgrass plants. Using a blower to incorporate sand into the surface of the greens helps to eliminate bruising and added traffic from a cart and drag brush/mat.

Firm, Fast and Healthy!
Finished product ready to be rolled with the speedroller and watered in with a light irrigation cycle. This entire process takes 3-4 staff members about 4 hours to complete and is usually preformed on Monday's throughout the golfing season. Weekly light sand topdressing has a huge positive impact on ball roll distance and our ability to keep greens at a championship level on a daily basis.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Irrigation System Charged

Today we fired up and filled the irrigation system at the club. Very nice to see everything is working as designed and the system is operating on all cylinders after a record setting winter season.

Believe it or not... Things are starting to dry out and the water will be needed soon if Mother Nature continues to keep our area dry and rain free. 

Irrigation Pump Station Next To Paddle Tennis Building

Control Panel On Pump Station

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ice Rink Goes To Bed

Ice Skating Rink - January 2014
With another winter and skating season behind us, it's time to break the rink down and move it to storage for the summer. This past winter was the rinks best season, with a couple months worth of skating days and lots of member interaction. 

Disassembling Individual Sections 
The rink is designed in such a way that allows us to assemble/disassemble it each season, reusing all the same materials. The parts and pieces are all labeled and constructed much like an erector set each season.

Removing Sections and Loading
Once the individual sections are taken apart, the pieces are loaded onto a trailer and moved to storage. The rink is stored during the summer months in a storage trailer out of the weather at our dump site. 

Wedge of Sand to Provide Level Surface
Due to the location of the rink in the parking lot next to the platform tennis building, we have 18" of fall from one side of the rink to the other. We build a wedge of sand (80 Tons) to level the surface of the rink (60' X 40') so the ice freezes faster and is consistent throughout. 

Sand Removal
The sand is then piled up and prepared to be hauled away for use on the course during the summer golf season. This is the third year for our ice rink and its been a great addition to the club, providing members lots of wintertime fun and enjoyment. 

Old Man Winter Returns

#3 Green

It wouldn't be April in SW Michigan without a light dusting of snow and bone chilling temperatures once again. With near 70 degree temps for the last few days, this sure is a shock to us and the turf. 

#14 Approach & Green

The greens have a light layer of snow and ice crystals on them but they appear to have held up well last night when temperatures dropped to the low 20's. 

The weather forecast is looking positive this week and the cold, winter like weather will only last a few days before temperatures return back to normal levels. It sure was nice to see a bunch of members out enjoying the golf course, beautiful warm weather and the Masters Tournament this past weekend!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fairways Get a Haircut

Today we mowed the fairways for the first time of the season and they look terrific! The fairways are in wonderful condition this spring and its nice to see they made it through the extremely harsh winter in top notch form. The weather this past week has been absolutely beautiful, allowing us to knock out a bunch of work and get the course pepped for spring golf. 

Today we also made our first foliar spray application to the greens and approaches. This spray application will provide the pants a bit of food to encourage spring green up, along with fungicide protection against a Pink Snow Mold infection with the cooler/wet conditions forecasted for next week. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

First Greens Mowing

Today we mowed the greens for the first time of the 2014 season and cut fresh cups for the second time. This past weekend we had our first golfers of the season; it was nice to see several members out enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures finally. 

We are very pleased with the health of the greens at this point and it's nice to see them all standing at attention. This closeup picture above shows the tight, healthy, prostrate growth of the turfgrass plants, with a light layer of topdressing sand still visible on the surface. 

It's refreshing to get back out on the course and cut some grass after a long winter of record snowfall and persistent extreme temperatures. Spring has finally sprung at the club!  

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tree Removal For New Quarter Deck Patio

This morning we removed the trees from the North end of the clubhouse, so we could begin the Quarter Deck patio project. The new patio system will be a wonderful addition to the club, providing a spacious seating area, gas fire pit and a bocci ball court for your summertime enjoyment.




Construction will begin soon on the new patio and we hope to have everything wrapped up by Memorial Day. The late spring this season has presented some challenges and delays, but we are confident the project will be finished in time for summer activities.