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Thursday, April 24, 2014

First Verticut & Sand Topdressing

Verticutting the Greens In Two Directions
Today we double verticut the greens and spread a light sand topdressing for the first time this season. Vertical mowing of the greens is performed on a biweekly basis throughout the season as Mother Nature allows. The greens are topdressed weekly with a light coating of sand to smooth the playing surface and continue to dilute organic matter in the greens surface. Both of these cultural practices along with many others, play a intricate roll in our greens management program here at the club.

Green Surface After Light Two Direction Verticut
Verticutting utilizes a mechanical device with vertically rotating blades that cut into the turf surface to remove excess thatch or leaves, depending upon how deep the blades are set. Verticutting can have a positive influence on putting green firmness, as well as trueness and ball roll distance.

Mowing the Greens After Verticut
After verticutting, the green is mowed to tighten up the surface. This catches any leaf material that's sticking straight up and combed out from the verticutters.  

Light Sand Topdressing Being Applied
Sand is applied at the precise amount to match the growth of the turfgrass plants and smooth the putting green surface weekly throughout the growing season. Topdressing has many benefits for the golfer and the superintendent  including, firming/smoothing the surface, modifying the soil structure in the top layer, thatch dilution, and ball mark recovery.  

Blowing Sand Into Green Surface
The sand topdressing is then blown into the verticut grooves and into the canopy of the turfgrass plants. Using a blower to incorporate sand into the surface of the greens helps to eliminate bruising and added traffic from a cart and drag brush/mat.

Firm, Fast and Healthy!
Finished product ready to be rolled with the speedroller and watered in with a light irrigation cycle. This entire process takes 3-4 staff members about 4 hours to complete and is usually preformed on Monday's throughout the golfing season. Weekly light sand topdressing has a huge positive impact on ball roll distance and our ability to keep greens at a championship level on a daily basis.

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