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Friday, April 25, 2014

Tree Work

Removing Damaged Maple Tree Between 1 Tee & 18 Green
This past winter was one for the records and it sure did leave behind a trail of destruction. Most of the damage occurred back in late December when we had a large ice storm just before the Christmas holiday, knocking out power to much of the area for several days. This huge storm left up to a 1/2 inch of ice coating everything in sight, damaging several trees on the property and uprooting others all together. We had planned on doing our cleanup and tree work during the winter once the ground was frozen, but Mother Nature had other plans for us. Record snowfall this winter covered most all of the debris, preventing us from even accessing the course with equipment and even presented challenges at times to groom the cross country ski trail with a snowmobile. 

Removing Damaged Pine & Trimming Elm Tree
Once the snow melted a month ago, we started the large cleanup process. Our grounds team here at the club has done a wonderful job on the cleanup of the property so far this spring. We had West Michigan Tree Service come out to remove a couple large, severely damaged trees and trim several other trees with a bucket truck that we couldn't reach.

Chipping Brush Pile
The brush pile that had developed from all the storm cleanup was epic! The tree company chipped the whole pile into 10 dump truck loads of material that was hauled to our dump site.

Severely Damaged Maple Tree
The spring cleanup is nearing completion, the club grounds are beginning to look beautiful once again with each day of sunshine that passes and after each load of brush is hauled away. The brutal winter of 2013/2014 has left a noticeable mark on the landscape and has scarred some trees for life.

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