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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bunker Edging

How do you maintain the bunker edges and lips? We get this question periodically from the membership and want to take this opportunity to show you our weekly process with some pictures taken today. 

Sand is moved away from the very edge of the bunkers to better expose for trimming and reclaim places where sand has been pushed up near the grass. The top and inside edges of the bunkers are then trimmed with a string trimmer by staff members with the ultimate precision and steady hands. The goal here is to simply maintain the nice clean inside edge by removing the new growth with a light frequent haircut.

After the bunkers are trimmed, all the clippings are blown out and removed from the surrounding rough. It's very important to keep the bunkers clean and free of contamination throughout the season.

The sand is then moved back against the edges of the bunkers and packed to maintain a nice consistent 2-3" lip on all bunkers. During this process bunker sand depths are also checked and sand is moved around accordingly.

The bunkers are then raked and ready for playing action. This process is very effective for us and maintains very nice, crisp, clean looking bunkers with excellent playability.

Finished product! This process is part of our normal maintenance program and is performed weekly during the high growth times and biweekly during the slower growth periods.

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