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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Greensmower Brushes

We recently updated our Toro Flex 21 greens mowers with brushes. Last year we experimented with one mower/brush setup and were very excited with the results on the greens surface. This season we made the decision to adapt all six greens mowers with brushes to allow us to brush more frequently as conditions allow. 

The brushes ride out in front of the cutting reel at just the perfect angle and essentially stand up and comb out the grass before it's mowed, similar to combing out your hair before cutting. Brushing helps to eliminate grain, tightening the surface and ultimately improving ball roll distance on the greens.

The addition of brushes to our greens mowers has already been noticed in the overall quality of the putting surface this season and will be a great new tool in our greens management program arsenal.

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