Tee box renovation project is now completed and we have beautiful new bentgrass starting to grow on all of the tee surfaces. The weather has been absolutely fantastic for the completion of the project and we even had bentgrass germinating in only days benieth the white blankets. The renovation project consisted of 7 newly built tees (#1 Forward, #8 Forward, #9 Senior, #10 Forward, #12 Forward, #17 Forward, #18 Senior) and expansion/leveling of 14 existing tee boxes (#2 Forward, #3 Back, #7 Forward, #8 Back, #9 Back, #9 Middle, #9 Forward, #11 Forward, #12 Back, #14 Back, #16 Forward, #18 Back, #18 Middle, #18 Forward). The construction contractor; Great Lakes Golf & Site Development inc. was mobilized on site for 20 days and completed all the tee work In a mere 13 working days. Rain and wet conditions delayed or haulted work on 7 of the days, mostly during the beginning to the middle of the project. We are very happy with the results of this project and wonderful cooperation with project staff and golf course architect throughout the whole renovation.

Please remember that even though the newly seeded bentgrass tees may appier to be green and ready to open, they are very young, tender and unable to sustain golfer traffic. The newly constructed tees need the remainder of this fall to fully fill in and mature to a healthy level. They are scheduled to open by Memorial Day.
Please be respectful and give them the required time to complete their establishment process. Keeping your carts away from the new tees, and out of the newly sodded areas surrounding them, will make a tremendous difference. Your help and cooperation is much appreciated by the grounds staff and golfing membership.
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